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教學進修 / 語言課程The English Academy (TeaHK)

British English Centre in Kowloon City. Over 10 successful years of teaching, including phonics, early reading, creative writing etc. Implementing different teaching approaches accordingly.
教學進修 / 語言課程The English Academy (TeaHK)

Explosion-proof RX70 incremental encoders with an aluminium housing have been designed specifically for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.
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ETON Properties Ltd. is a prestige property investment and development company specializing in luxury homes, top quality commercial premises, shopping mall and hotel building. Developments where styl
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Tak Sing Alliance Group was founded by Mr. Ma Kai Cheung who started a jeans manufacturing business under the name of "Tak Sing Garment Factory" in Hong Kong in 1967. As a result of rapid b

The evolution of E-commerce Web Solution has facilitated several opportunities for retailers, brands, and cataloguers across a multitude of channels today.
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教學進修 / 補習Alan Lee (李生)

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Look for a freelance developer to build a CRM We are planning to launch a loyalty program and would need a CRM for the loyalty program. Our POS is VEND, you could be able to integrate with the CRM. P
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